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Stop the Presses! News alert! Updates!

Writer: Alicia ColsonAlicia Colson

What a lot of updates!!!.. (1)

various publications are in press.. but three (of several) have just been published:

Colson, Alicia J. M., and George ‘Choch’ Kenny. 2024. ‘Colorizing Historical Photographs’. First American Art Magazine, 42 (Spring) 102 - 104

Colson, Alicia J. M. ‘Colonisation or Carelessness? May 2024 Whisper, OpenAI and Indigenous Rights’. The Tech Magazine, 5 (1): 32 - 34

These first two are now pdfs available via my profile or ResearchGate profile. The third one was published last week which we're (myself, George and Mike) are really pleased to see in print!!

Colson, Alicia J. M., Michael Makwa Auksi, and George ‘Choch’ Kenny. ‘On the Tracks to Translating Indigenous Knowledge’. Sapiens, 25 June 2024.

Just so that you know what it looks like:

Screenshot of our Sapiens article!!

The two publications co-authored with George Kenny and the Teaching Circle will be useful as we're going for more funding for fieldwork next summer! The team has already won an Engaged Grant from the Wenner Gren Foundation so fingers crossed for finding the rest of the funding!

 (2) Affiliation in December 2023 with University of Central Lancashire! Woo wooo!! ;)

I'm now an "Affiliated Research Fellow" at the University of Central Lancashire, in the UK. Check it out:

(3) Had a successful research trip in November 2023 to Brazil

This trip included sailing on the Oosterschelde, the Dutch three mast ship, down the coast of Brazil between Salvador, Baia in Northeastern Brazil to Rio de Janeiro. I spent time afterwards in Sao Paulo which was excellent! Various articles are currently being written connected to this trip! So keep watch!

Sailing into Rio's Harbour on the Oosterchelde

(4) One talk at UCL:

Learning from the World - UCL Fieldwork and Expeditions Society

I gave a seminar with Benedict Allen on 6 June 2024. It was organized by Dr Myles Harris (UCL Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction) and Luke McAdie, an undergraduate at UCL. It was in G6, on one of the large lecture rooms at the Institute of Archaeology, 31-34 Gordon Square, WC1 0PY, London, UK. I discussed how to 'do fieldwork' i.e. work with people who are called Indigenous Peoples and people who hold different world views to those of western educated peoples, i.e. researchers. Topics covered include: cultural appropriation, colonialism, imperialism, permits (different types), types of questions, field research methods, 'outreach', publication of materials and information.

(5) Talk (45 mins) at the London Mathematical Society' Research School at LSE on 18th June 2024.

I gave the first paper after the plenary speaker at the London Mathematical Society's Research School on Knowledge Exchange 2024 (June 18/19) entitled: “The Future of Technology and How Mathematics is Implemented” at the London School of Economics. It was organised by Dr Marie Oldfield, Department of Mathematics, LSE in the Graham Wallas Room, Main Building, LSE. My title was entitled: "A study of bias: Native Peoples and western programming”. Discussion was chaired by Dr Marie Oldfield, Department of Mathematics, London School of Economics, London, UK

Topics covered: Intellectual Property Rights, Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Knowledge, Knowledge Keepers, Open source software, Land tenure, AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence

Until next time!! :-)


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